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Upcoming Events

SOS Ladies Bible Class: Begins Thursday, September 19th, at 10:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. We’ll study the Book of Hebrews using Concordia’s LifeLight series. All ladies are welcome! For questions, contact Carolyn Nunnally at 775-843-7419 or

Operation Christmas Child: Please pick up a box in the Narthex, fill it with gifts using the instructions inside, and return it by October 13th. A basket for filled boxes is by the Evangelism Table. You can also donate to help with shipping costs. Thank you! – Your Evangelism Team

Anniversaries and Birthdays


GOD has certainly blessed your marriages

Mary LouF10/20

God has certainly Blessed us with you!

Building Use Request

Shepherd of the Sierra is a beautiful church located in the foothills of the Eastern Sierra and we love to share what God has blessed us with.

We do need to know why you wish will be using our facility.

We have developed the form below for you to provide the information.

In addition to those requirements written on the form please keep in mind we do have some very specific rules we follow:

1) We are a 501(c)3 organization and abide by strict IRS rules. As such, we do not offer our facility to a for-profit organization.

2) We do not set a price for use of our facility. We do accept free will offerings.

3) All facility requests are reviewed by our Trustee committee and/or our Church council and are subject to their approval.

After completing the following form, just mail, or email to or drop off at the church office. 

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