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First Visit FAQ's

Below you will find information or links to help you get to know us a little bit better. If you have any further questions, call us at 1-775-267-3680.

Where to park

We have parking on the south, east and west side of the building. There is also plenty of accessible parking directly in front of the entrance with a ramp to ease entry.

What should I wear?

When you enter a worship service at Shepherd of the Sierra you’ll instantly notice the diversity in what people wear. Wear something in which you can be “you.” There is no dress code at Shepherd, however, many choose to put on their “Sunday Best” for worship. Our only request is, out of respect for others, please dress in a way that is appropriate for a Sunday morning.

What about child care?

At this time, we do not offer child care. We do have a cry-room with a view of the Sanctuary and audio of the service so you won’t miss out.  We are currently looking for qualified volunteers to help us with child care. Know someone? Please connect with us! 

How can I follow along with the service?

Each of our services provides a bulletin with the order of worship and the music for the songs so that you can participate in the experience. 

Should I Give at Offering?

The Offering is an opportunity in our service for us to be able to give back to God out of what He has first given to us. We do not expect visitors to participate, we are so thankful you are here to receive God’s love. 

What is Communion all about and should I participate?

During Holy Communion, the Sacrament we receive forgives us of of sins and gives us spiritual nourishment. We believe the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ are received in, with, and under the bread and wine in Holy Communion. If this is your faith and confession, we welcome you to join us at the Lord’s Table.

How do I participate in Communion?

We receive Holy Communion at the altar rail, if you are able. Our ushers will guide you from your pew. When you have reached the rail you kneel when the Pastor or Elder invites you too. For those unable to join at the rail, let the usher know and the Pastor will serve you at the pew. Hold your cupped hands out to receive the Host. If you need, ask the Pastor or elder to serve you a gluten free host. For the wine, choose your own cup. Non-alcoholic wine is always located in the center of the tray.

What is Lutheranism all about?

Please read the attached Bethany Bullet by Pastor Kevin Kritzer from Bethany Lutheran Church in Long Beach, CA. This bulletin is about Martin Luther, the Reformation and Lutheranism.

Any other questions?

We’d love to connect with you with any questions that you have before your first visit with us. Drop us a note. We’d be happy to answer your questions. If you have questions once you arrive you can speak with any of our fabulous ushers or greeters.

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